About Me

Education and work experience:

EdSpMaster’s degree in Counseling from Central Michigan University
EdSpEdSp in Education with a concentration in Leadership from Michigan State University

EdSpOwned and worked with clients at Mid-Michigan Counseling. Prior to that I worked as a therapist for substance abusers and their families at both National Council of Alcoholism and Insight, Inc., as a therapist at Genesee County Community Mental Health working with severely disturbed individuals, as an employment specialist for 2 prison camps for the Michigan Department of Corrections and as a therapist at Tuscola County Community Mental Health

EdSpInterned for a member of the Michigan House of Representatives. In this position I had first-hand experience working with politicians to get bills passed which would improve the lives of constituents

EdSpAuthored and oversaw a grant providing training and other resources for auto workers along the I-75 corridor whose plants closed

EdSpHaving lived in Clinton County for over 30 years, I’ve seen many changes in the area. I have worked successfully with a very wide variety of people and will be able to use those skills as I bring new, fresh ideas to the County Commission as the County continues to move forward.


My goal is to help make County government more transparent and more accessible for all citizens.

