About Us

Education and work experience:

EdSpMaster’s degree in Counseling from Central Michigan University
EdSpEdSp in Education with a concentration in Leadership from Michigan State University

EdSpOwned and worked with clients at Mid-Michigan Counseling. Prior to that I worked as a therapist for substance abusers and their families at both National Council of Alcoholism and Insight, Inc., as a therapist at Genesee County Community Mental Health working with severely disturbed individuals, as an employment specialist for 2 prison camps for the Michigan Department of Corrections and as a therapist at Tuscola County Community Mental Health

EdSpInterned for a member of the Michigan House of Representatives. In this position I had first-hand experience working with politicians to get bills passed which would improve the lives of constituents

EdSpAuthored and oversaw a grant providing training and other resources for auto workers along the I-75 corridor whose plants closed

EdSpHaving lived in Clinton County for over 30 years, I’ve seen many changes in the area. I have worked successfully with a very wide variety of people and will be able to use those skills as I bring new, fresh ideas to the County Commission as the County continues to move forward.


  • Married 41 years
  • Father of 2 grown children who attended St. Johns schools
  • Active member of Blue Brigade


My goal is to help make County government more transparent and more accessible for all citizens.